Justin August, Graduate Student of Education at the University of Pennsylvania

Writing and Learning

I have always struggled with writing. From a young age the pressure to produce a certain volume of written work for an assignment crippled me. Coupled with scorn from teachers for my admittedly poor penmanship and propensity to doodle, I steered clear of writing until the end of High School. I was told by a teacher that the quantity of information contained in a paper mattered less than the quality. We were expected to trim any and all excess out of our papers. From that point I realized the importance of balanced expectations. It had never been that I was a poor writer - I was simply writing to the expectation of the content not the length.

In any given classroom there will always be a range of abilities and focus and it's the teacher's job to meet them where they are and progress them along in the most appropriate way possible. It's very important to me that a student understand their strengths and areas of potential improvement equally.
email Justin: jaugust@gse.upenn.edu